Monday, August 27, 2007

What is it About Doctors?

If I could get the answer to just one question, it would be "What is it about doctors that makes you tired and icky for the rest of the day after seeing them?" Of course, no one actually has the answer to this question. We just all seem to keep asking it, over and over again. Knowing full well that there may not be a good answer, or even a mediocre one.

Today was a very busy doctor day. Ted hasn't been sleeping for the last several days because his legs have been bothering him to the extreme. As in Restless Legs Syndrome kind of bothering him. So, this morning we cart him off to the doctor, just to find out that one of his new meds is most probably the cause of that... Oh. Joy.

At first she was going to switch him to a completely different kind of medicine, but decided before we left her office to just adjust the dosage of the medicine that he's already on. Good news is that they were able to refer him to someone that is actually (hopefully) properly trained to deal with and treat bipolar. And his appointment is day after tomorrow!

After a short trip to the grocery store, we get home just in time for me to scarf down some kind of quick lunch and then head out again. To another doctor thing. By myself this time. This was for a checkup on the new baby boy that's on the way for us... Everything's fine with the baby, of course. My back's another thing altogether. No matter how "normal" it is, the thing bloody well hurts, damnit!

After the doctor visit (I get to have a glucose level test in two weeks... IN THE MORNING.... Yuck...) , of course I have to go to the post office, pay the PO Box fee for an amount of time that we might not even be here for the duration of, and send off some stuff to one of Ted's aunts... She promised to pay back postage... But I seriously don't think that $1.31 is enough to worry about. Nevermind that otherwise we have a single dollar to our name.


Then I get to turn around and go back the way I came from (but further this time!) just to find out that Ted's insurance won't pay for a lower dosage of the same medicine within the same month... Oh yay. At least we have the option of cutting the pills in half to see if a lower amount of that medicine helps with his leg issue. Oh, and good news... Where the old medicine had caused him to gain weight, he's actually lost a little bit of that excess weight! WooHoo!!!

By the time I get home, I'm dead tired and end up falling asleep in the recliner and then in the bed that acts as a sort of quasi-futon in the living room after that... And, not surprising, my back still hurts even as I'm typing this. And my legs. And my acid is acting up. Could have something to do with eating the equivalent of almost a whole pepperoni and cheese rip-and-dip today... Nah.

Doctors? Evil... I think the two words mean about the same thing, all things considered.

And now we get to go out of town day after tomorrow for another kind of doctor visit.

There is, however, good news. Connor's fairly well been an angel today, and for the last couple of nights has actually let Mommy sleep for more than two hours at a time! I wonder how long that'll last...

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