Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The first week...

This week has been so busy!

Most reading this blog already know that we were able to get the concession stand and start things up. This was thanks to catching a dear friend online at just the right time when she could help us out with the initial week's rent. So, we got the stand, and got the person that'd been working it before us to agree to let us run under her license for a fee until we can get our own... And then we started working last Sunday.

The way that things are going so far, we're really going to be able to make something of it! It's my hope that the improvement keeps up, and I'm pretty sure that it should at that. People love our food, the owner of the flea market keeps telling people on the phone that they've got to try our food, and this Sunday we actually doubled the money that we had taken in from food sales last Sunday!

Here's hoping that the rest of the second week goes as well as Sunday did... *crosses fingers*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome and then some more. I'm so happy for you and Ted and hope that the upswing just keeps going up and up and up for you.