Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The first week...

This week has been so busy!

Most reading this blog already know that we were able to get the concession stand and start things up. This was thanks to catching a dear friend online at just the right time when she could help us out with the initial week's rent. So, we got the stand, and got the person that'd been working it before us to agree to let us run under her license for a fee until we can get our own... And then we started working last Sunday.

The way that things are going so far, we're really going to be able to make something of it! It's my hope that the improvement keeps up, and I'm pretty sure that it should at that. People love our food, the owner of the flea market keeps telling people on the phone that they've got to try our food, and this Sunday we actually doubled the money that we had taken in from food sales last Sunday!

Here's hoping that the rest of the second week goes as well as Sunday did... *crosses fingers*

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Opportunity... Thy Name is Car Trouble...

Okay, today started out interestingly enough... We were supposed to take someone to Anderson SC so that she could get on a bus going to Ohio... Except for a few little technical difficulties that kept us from going that way at all. The rearview mirror on our truck popped off, the glue that'd been holding it on having been weakened by constant heat, when the baby's carseat bumped against it a little bit as we were loading the baby into the truck.

So, we went to the dollar store. Bought super glue. That didn't work.

Bought velcro strips. That wouldn't hold it either.

That made the trip to Anderson definitely out of the picture. We'll have our mechanic to fix the rearview mirror tomorrow, so that's not a big problem. We got up the money for that by selling a radio that we weren't really going to be using anyhow... And on the way home, found out about something that we never would have known if it weren't for the rearview mirror wigging out like it did....

A business opportunity that could enable us to be able to make it here where we'd really like to be able to stay, given the choice. A local flea market has a concession stand that will be coming up for rental very soon, for a very reasonable rate. At the moment, we're looking into possible sources for the startup cost... Most of which is $100.00 for the first set of rent. That rent actually includes power and water !!!

All there is now, is the wait to find out if the people we're looking into can help us to get that first little bit so that we can start up the concession stand. And if we can... I just know that we can make something of this! We know the area... We know the venue... And best of all, we've got experience with the same sort of thing. Ted actually worked flea market concessions for three years straight before, and did rather well at it. If we can get the chance, I know we can make something of it...

Here's hoping....